Sagging Belly Weight Loss

Understand the root cause of sagging belly is unhealthy adrenal glands which directly related to stress . Chronic stress can lead to adrenal burnout, impacting hormone balance and metabolism, ultimately contributing to weight gain, especially around the abdominal region.

Every type of stress influences these Adrenal glands- injury, infection, divorce, financial stress, job-related stress, irritable people, drugs and medication, surgery, pain, illness, poison ivy,

Extreme cold or heat, giving birth, menstrual cycle, staring into computer monitors,

Eating junk foods, starvation diets, all create stress and leads to sagging belly.

Few Symptoms of unhealthy adrenal Pendulous abdomen (sagging and hanging), Midsection weight , Buffalo hump (fat pad) at the upper-back, lower-neck area, Thinner legs and arms, Weakness, Fatigue, Lethargy, Depression, Sleepiness, Insomnia, Difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, Need for midafternoon naps, Nervousness, Anxiety (worry); frequent feelings of stress, Can’t tolerate stress , Thinning skin, Acne or poor skin, May have white or discolored patches on skin etc

Understanding the role of adrenal glands in managing stress and maintaining overall health is crucial. Strategies for managing adrenal stress include implementing stress-reduction techniques, prioritizing sleep, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients.

By adopting a proactive approach to health and wellness, including stress management, and proper nutrition.

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